All posts tagged girl

Illustrate 2012: February

Illustrate 2012: February

In honor of Edward Gorey’s birthday, which was yesterday, I finished my illustration for February.  I had planned different subject material–something about cupid being stuck in the strings of a harp–but because I missed Valentine’s Day (I’m not really a fan.) and because I received some sad news yesterday, I decided to switch it up.  Instead, I give you the following.

Illustrate 2012: February

I’m dedicating this month’s illustration to my friend, Lenore, who I’ve been thinking a lot about in the last 24 hours, and who could use a little extra love and good energy.  I’m titling this oneLenore Receives a Gift from the Great Mother Beech.

Looking at the little girl, I’m clearly still feeling a little Goreyesque this month.  Somebody stop me when I grow a beard and break out the furs.

Edward Gorey in Fur Coat

Happy Birthday, Ted!


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