All posts in Making Stuff

Sewing Sunday: October Edition – Old Coat, New Lining

finished coat-cropped

I have a confession to make.  I didn’t technically finish October’s project in October.  I say “technically” because I actually finished at about 12:46 a.m. on November 1st.  My mom has a long-standing rule that it’s not really “tomorrow” until you go to sleep and wake up again, so I’m still counting this as October’s project.  Plus, I actually started it on a Sunday in October, so I figure that counts for something, right?

In my defense (and I’m not entirely sure why I feel the need to defend myself to you, dear reader, but I do), October was an insanely busy month with a last-minute trip to Asheville, NC, thrown in there for good measure.  You know, just your normal 1258 mile, 34 hour road trip to buy a harp.  Also, some sort of lapse in judgement led me to agree to premiere a new piece for harp, soprano and baritone in the midst of the other craziness.  Don’t get me wrong–the piece was lovely, and I love to play new works for harp–but it really could’ve used a few more weeks for practice/rehearsal, and I probably didn’t need the extra stress this month.  I think I need to relearn how to say the word, no.

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Sewing Sunday: September Edition – A New Frock Fit for a Wedding

black and white vine fabric

I have recently returned from a vacation in Northern California, which was motivated by my brother-in-law’s wedding.  The wedding was fantastic, and the trip was delightful, and there will be more about that in an upcoming blog post.  In the meantime, I wanted to tell you about the dress I made for the wedding.  I only have one brother-in-law (and his fiancée–now wife–is awesome), so I figured his wedding was a good occasion for some special attire.  It also motivated me to try out a pattern that I was a little intimidated by, partially because it was a Vogue pattern and partially because the bodice construction appeared to be somewhat confusing.

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Sewing Sunday: August Edition – Silky and Skirty


I’ve had this lovely material from, you guessed it, The Resource Exchange (Have you noticed this is a theme with my sewing projects?) for a couple of  months.  It’s  a lovely silk that looks olive green in some lights and beige-y in others.  It has big flowers on it in brown, orange, gold and olive green, and it makes me think of fall.

Vogue pattern 8882I thought the big print might make it too much for a dress, so I decided to make a skirt from it. I had found this great Vogue pattern for a very full skirt with crinoline underneath (see picture at left), but when I measured the amount of material I had, I discovered that I really only had a little over 2 yards, which wasn’t enough to make a super full skirt.  Bummer, but I’m sure I’ll find another reason to make that skirt in the future!  With my yardage constraint, I went searching for a different option.

Butterick 3402From the stash of my grandmother’s patterns at my mom’s house, I had taken an old pattern that my grandmother had used to make me a skirt in high school (see picture at right).  I remembered really liking the skirt, but I didn’t have it anymore.  It was bias cut, lined, and it had a good twirl factor (meaning I could twirl around in it, and it would flow gracefully around me–this was very important as a kid).

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