All posts in Illustration

Illustrate 2012: July

Illustrate 2012: July

At about 7 p.m. today, I had no idea what I was going to draw for this month’s illustration.  I was having some serious creative block when I decided to try to get the juices flowing by thinking about things that made this month special.  One of the things that I particularly enjoyed doing this month was working on an illustration of an octopus for the same client who I recently did the logo work for that was featured in this previous post about logo design.  I’m actually a little unnaturally obsessed with cephalopods right now as a result of that illustration project, so I briefly considered doing another octopus for this month’s illustration.  But then I thought that might be a bit of a cop-out.

Then I remembered that everyone on the planet (or at least on Facebook) has Olympic Fever right now.  What better subject for July than the Olympics!

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Illustrate 2012: June

Illustrate 2012: June

The past couple of weeks have been very exciting for a University of Virginia graduate.  I had been planning to write a post (rant?) about my take on the recent events there, but it’s been a very busy few weeks.  I launched a new business venture, Green Performance Strategies.  I joined the Twitterverse.  (Won’t you follow me, pretty please?)  I spent two days being a counselor at the Philadelphia Ultimate Camp.  And I still had this month’s illustration to complete.  Plus, the UVA events have been very well documented by the Washington Post and a plethora of other media outlets, so I’m not really sure that my contribution to the blogosphere would’ve really added anything (even though the ranting would probably make me feel better).

So instead, I decided to let this month’s illustration speak for my position on UVA.

Illustrate 2012: June

This week’s reinstatement of ousted President Sullivan was a huge victory for the University of Virginia community and higher education in general.  In fact, this week has been a pretty good week for rational thought, between the Affordable Care Act being upheld by the Supreme Court and Arizona’s anti-immigration laws being struck down by the same.

However, the SCOTUS decision on Montana’s campaign finance law and Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell’s reappointment of Rector Dragas (the architect of President Sullivan’s ouster) to the UVA Board of Directors reminds me that big money still has some very big influence right now in this country, and we must keep fighting the good fight to keep the billionaire overlords at bay.  Stay strong, middle class!

Illustrate 2012: May

Illustrate 2012: May

Sometimes I get these very short and slightly ridiculous e-mails from my sister.  It’s okay because I send them to her, too.  The one I received yesterday was titled Logo idea for funnovate and simply read, “Goose on a swing.  That is all.”  Cryptic?  Maybe.  Inspirational?  Definitely.

As the end of the month was quickly approaching and I’ve been very busy working on a new service offering (to be revealed soon!) for my sustainability consulting firm, iSpring, I was feeling the pressure of what to draw for this month’s illustration.  Since last month’s illustration was a little more elaborate, I had decided that this month’s would be simple–also convenient because time was scarce.  However, I wasn’t feeling very inspired.  Then four little words meandered through my inbox–Goose. On. A. Swing.  You never know where inspiration will come from!

So with that, I give you this month’s illustration.

Illustrate 2012: May

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