Infest the Waters: A Blog About Design, Life and Making Stuff

I loved your artwork so much that I ate it.

Envelope drawn by Maurice Sendak

Is there really a higher compliment one can receive than having someone eat your artwork?  I don’t think so.

I like to eat.  A lot.  I have a circle of four friends from high school in which I’m known for that particular character trait.  One of the four tried to match me once on our annual trip to small-town Pennsylvania (affectionately named “Podunkapalooza”–more on that sometime in June, when the trip actually happens) and regretted it for the rest of the night.  In fact, here’s a picture of me eating breakfast on one of those trips.

Sam eats breakfast surrounded by a wall of condiments.

Notice the wall of condiments and beverages I’ve built to keep people from eating my food.

Okay, great, you get it.  I like to eat.  What does this have to do with anything?

Today I was saddened at the news that Maurice Sendak had passed away.  Sendak’s work was a big part of my childhood, and although I know Edward Gorey gets most of the love here on my blog, Sendak was probably equally as influential in developing my love of somewhat dark illustration.  As I read his obituary in today’s New York Times, I couldn’t help but be struck by the similarities between Gorey and Sendak, from their love of solitude to their depictions of childhood as a time fraught with perils to their prickly reactions to being described as “that guy who does children’s books.”  I can’t count the number of times my mom read Chicken Soup with Rice or Pierre to me as a child.  Nor can I recall the number of times I rushed to the children’s section of the Bethlehem Public Library to see if any of the Little Bear books (illustrated by Sendak) were there so I could pore over the illustrations from the comfort of my bedroom’s purple shag carpet.

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Illustrate 2012: April

Illustrate 2012: April

I wasn’t sure what I was going to do for this month’s installment of Illustrate 2012, but then I started working on an illustration for wedding invitations for a friend of mine who’s getting married this summer.  She and her fiancé are into gnomes, so it only seemed fitting to incorporate them into the invitations.  They’re also getting married in their backyard, which is surrounded by woods, so the trees also seemed appropriate.  The hedgehog, however, is purely my doing.

Illustrate 2012: April

It turns out, however, that they’ve decided to forgo the gnomes on the invitations for fear of receiving an abundance of gnomes as wedding gifts.  They’re all for gnomes, but really, how many gnome-themed tchotchkes does one couple need?  Plus, there are some pretty tacky wedding-themed gnome gifts out there.  To wit, check out this little beauty:

Tacky Gnome

And now you understand why their fear is a very real one.

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How to Disenfranchise 1.6 Million Pennsylvanians in One Easy Step

Voter ID in Pennsylvania

I voted today.  I really like voting.  In fact, if I could vote twice, I would.  I like voting that much.

And now, as a Pennsylvanian, I feel fortunate that I can vote.  And if I didn’t drive, that could be very different.

As of March, Pennsylvania is sporting a new law that requires all Pennsylvanians to show ID to be allowed to vote.  Why, you may ask?  Well, as the Republicans that control our state will tell you, voter fraud is a very serious problem that is endangering our electoral process.  They say this despite the fact that data points to the incidence of voter fraud being as low 0.00004%.  According to the National Weather Service, you are as likely to be struck and killed by lightning.  But don’t worry, the Republicans have this problem under control.  I’m so glad, because I was worried they were spending their time trying to figure out how to keep tuition rates at state universities low or how to keep gas companies from raping and pillaging our land.  Thank God they’re focusing on more pressing matters.

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